Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just like the prom dress.

Off to visit the city mouse cousins tomorrow.

We'll be back on Labor day. Hopefully with all organs intact.

I'll leave you with a brief story and a link. Our friends Rick and Kevin Finn seem to be under the impression that running 26 odd miles on a Sunday morning is not only a good idea, but also fun! And exciting! The rest of us nod and smile and pretend we understand.

However, right now they, along with our friend Todd Koch, are running to raise money for a memorial scholarship to St. Xavier High School, where they attended, and where Kevin worked after college. The scholarship was the wish of a graduate named Michael Cifuentes who was killed in the line of duty while stationed in Iraq, on August 5, 2005.

After having met his father, Kevin learned of Michael's plan that if he didn't return home, some of his life insurance policy should be used to set up a scholarship for low income students to attend St. X. Kevin had worked with Michael when he was a student volunteer, and the Finn boys decided to get involved. Which they do, quite a bit. Ask my Kevin about the first time he met them. Involved. Poor guy was terrified. He has since realized they are harmless enough, and they throw a damn fine "Oktoberfest in June" party.

I hope you all don't mind my pimping some friends. I can vouch for their big hearts and sore feet.

Kevin is keeping a training journal on the St. X website. All information can be found there. The first of the two marathons is the Air Force Marathon in Dayton, Ohio, on September 15.


Wish them luck! But of course, they don't need luck. They have mad running skillz.

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