Sorry, sorry, sorry. World's worst blogger, checking in. The past two weeks have been full of craziness, with cars dying repeatedly, and the whole "Father's Day and Kevin's Birthday falling within a week of each other AGAIN" with movie dates and concerts and favorite burger joints and homemade pancakes [no man is as loved as he, for one long week in June - and might I remind you that at least I have the common decency to allow 7 weeks to pass between Mother's Day and my birthday, providing ample recovery...but that's neither here nor there.] and toddlers having their very first temper tantrum [You people have been holding out on me. Those are loud. Were you going to fill me in?] Anyway, we've been busy.
My observation of the day is thus: When it comes to Scarlett, I am always learning. And do you know what I learned today? Yogurt pretzels melt.
try M&M's! they melt in your mouth, not in your hands:)
So do chocolate covered raisins. Just FYI.
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