The cold and flu season has descended upon our house with the intensity of a thousand plagues. Haha. It's November 3rd. Shit.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Happy Halloween. With added cursing!
The cold and flu season has descended upon our house with the intensity of a thousand plagues. Haha. It's November 3rd. Shit.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Are you sure?
Pretend for just one moment that Scarlett isn't the funniest thing in this video. Van is eating food for the first time, and dude, he GETS it. A natural. He wants to know what we've been waiting for, and by the way, when can he have some ribs?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Farm Day
Scarlett is growing up so fast that I can hardly bare to blink. The other day her teacher told me that she was "very independent", which I'm pretty sure is pre-school code for "pain in the ass", but it was something that she didn't need to tell me. We hear "I want to do it myself" all day long. Thank goodness there are still things she needs help with - like screening her own tee shirt, and hitching the occasional ride with her father.
I'd like to publicly thank This Guy.
Thanks, Paul. I appreciate you taking that bullet for me.
And I'd also like to thank Tom and Wendy for owning a kitchen table that is impervious to red wine. And for having 3 kids, which also made me feel less guilty about being the knob that spills red wine at a party. And most of all, for hosting a wonderful day in the country.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ninety-seventh what now?
Yesterday's 4 month well check uncovered nothing more than a patch of eczema on his leg, and a record breaking case of cradle cap on his head. The former gets a dose of antibiotic ointment, the latter, absentminded picking while I'm watching the new season of The Biggest Loser.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
There are no words.
Down on the Farm
I have never in my life seen a baby of any species drain a bottle as fast as this baby goat. Not even my son, who has been known to suck his avent dry before you can say "Fat Baby".
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kevin thinks I should cut out the middle man, and just call this "Fat Baby".
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
No mirror needed.
White rice and cupcakes are not food groups.
Van's youtube debut.
I was feeling all guilty about how Scarlett was the most photographed baby in the history of all babies, and how Van barely gets snapped [although in my defense, as the primary family photographer I've had to explain on numerous occasions that you will not have your picture taken much when you refuse to be put down] but I did finally get a little video of my son.
Out of curiousity, I went and looked to see when Scarlett made her youtube debut, and as it turns out, Van beat her by a cool 3 months.
So suck it, birth order. I rule.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Then the circus came to town.
My dad's baby sister, and her great-nephew, that looks NOTHING like anyone in our family.
Left to right: Jake, Zoe [holding Van], Scarlett, and Charles Rex.
Amy's clan came to town at the end of June when school got out. They were very pleased to be here because the east coast has been hit with another ice age this summer, and the third week of June was upon us and there wasn't a single person in Connecticut who had donned a bathing suit. So they came to the Midwest where we start sweating around Memorial Day, and don't stop until Halloween. When it snows.
Woefully behind.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The cute might kill me.
Van's hips are fine. He has also gained almost 3 and a half pounds, and has grown over 2 inches. I don't know how to dress a child that has no visible bones.
At his one month appointment, our pediatrician made the comment that he was very glad that we were finally talking about normal baby problems like colic. Now, I adore our pediatrician. At our very first appointment, when Scarlett was 5 days old, he quoted Frank Deford to me. FRANK DEFORD. And it wasn't even Wednesday!
But when he said he was glad to be talking about colic, it was all I could do to keep from offering to continue the conversation at 1am. Because I'd be up. Swaddling and shushing, and wondering if crate training would work as well as it did with Alice.
Oh, I jest. We wouldn't put Van in a crate. It's not soundproof.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Update. Because I'm not really interested in watching "Password".
Alas, Scarlett thwarted that plan by waking up very sick on Friday. We had to cancel Van's appointment and schedule one for Scarlett, which revealed a very run of the mill ear infection. But let me tell you, when my kid is too sick to provide a running commentary on life, and just wants to lay on me and whimper, then she is really sick.
The upside is that I think that for the time, Van is in the clear. We'll reschedule and confirm, but I'm feeling optimistic.
I can't do anything about the fact that due to his appetite, he's rapidly developing rubber band wrists, but frankly, those are so delicious that I don't want to.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day and Night.
See here, kid. I know you are new in town, but this? This here is day. During the day, we like to nap, sure, but the lions share of our sleeping is done at night. Night - like when it's dark out? I see you looking around when I go in to replace the binky you've spit out, and I wonder what exactly you think you are watching. It's just you in a quiet dark room. My best advice as your mother would be to just go to sleep. For several hours. Lather, rinse, and repeat.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Turn offs: Being naked and then made clean. Not pooping. Prop 8.
Tomorrow we go for an ultrasound of Van's hips, then we'll meet with Dr. Mehlman and his crew next week to go over the results. Hopefully my uterus was a more hospitable place to be this time around, but we are open to the fact that he might follow in his sister's footsteps - if only to save ourselves the blindsiding of last time.
I've gotten to be proficient at hip x-rays, so we'll see how I do trying to read the ultrasound screen over the shoulder of the radiology tech. Because I'm sure they love that.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Yes. Alice is here too. But she's smart, and hiding.
Oh, and when you bring home your 2nd, please don't make the same mistake we did, and overcompensate with sugary treats, because I'm listening to the results of that play out upstairs right now, and I'm very glad that I chose to care for the one that poops every 15 minutes.